?Did you know??

Today we bring you the integration part where you can combine the knowledge learnt in the past weeks. In this exercise, you have to choose between the two options below and replace them into their respective number. Once you’re done, you can check the answer by swiping left!
Did you know these “cuantificadores”? Let us know in the comments below!


When we want to express our opinion in Spanish, we can use the structure: “lo que más/menos me gusta es/son….” which means “what I like the most/least is/are….” plus the noun we are talking about.
Comment down below an example of the things you like or dislike using the structure you just learn!


Today, we present you some new verbs you can use on daily basis, even when describing your city! Did you know them? Do you know more? Let us know in the comments down below!


Today, we bring you the “cuantificadores” which are used to indicate a quantity of something that is not specific.
Did you know these cuantificadores? Do you know more? Let us know in the comments below!
Integration Grammar and Vocabulary activities: restaurant II / Gramática y Vocabulario
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Today, we bring you yet another activity so you can practice your Spanish! Try your best arranging this conversation between a waiter and a customer in the right order, and let us know in the comments what new word did you learn!


Today, we bring you something a little bit different! How about doing a little activity about the grammar and vocabulary we’ve learnt in the past weeks?
Try your best to fill up the gaps, and let us know what new word did you learn today in the comments below!


In Spanish when it’s not clear or we don’t want to specify who is doing the action, we can use word “SE” which impersonal and neutral, to do so.



Following the topic of ordering at a restaurant, today we present you the two ways you can address someone in Spanish. Did you know them? Comment below, if you did, and don’t forget to ask us if you have any questions.



Following the topic of ordering at a restaurant, today we present you two verb conjugations that will surely help you when ordering food! Did you know them? Comment below, if you did, and don’t forget to add synonyms that can also help!



This is third part of our demonstrative series.
When the object is at a very distant point, we say: AQUEL, AQUELLOS, AQUELLA, AQUELLAS, AQUELLO.