Hello everybody! Today we present you the first section of grammar. This week we will learn some “special” verbs in Spanish that act different from the rest. This time, the verb “to like” (gustar), but as you see you can apply this format to the other verbs that appear below, such as: apetecer (to feel like) or asustar (to scare).
Did you know this about Spanish verbs? Do you know more examples? Let us know in the comments down below!


Hello everyone!
First we wanted to apologise for some spelling errors we did on the last posts where we wrote “objecto” instead of “objeto” and “grámatica” instead of “gramática”. We were a loss for words when we noticed our mistake, but that shows how even native speakers make mistakes sometimes?. Hopefully it won’t happen again!
On a lighter note, we bring you today the last bit of grammar for this row, ending with the personal pronoun “SE”.
We know that this topic is a bit tricky to get, so if you have any doubt, please let us know in the comments or dm us, and we’ll gladly help you out!


Hello everybody! Today we bring you the second part of the grammar lessons. This time: “el objeto directo” which is the person (and sometimes) object that benefits from receiving the action of the verb. It’s always introduced with the prepositions “a” or “para”.
Feel free to ask any question and/or try to give us an example of how you’d use the “objeto directo”!

                 🚇DID YOU KNOW?🚇

Today we bring you a bit of grammar, this time the “objecto directo”, which is used for naming a noun that we have previously mentioned.
How would YOU use it? Give us an example down below!


Today, we provide you with new activities regarding the grammar and vocabulary we have learnt so far. We would love to see you try in the comments down below! Suerte!


Today, we provide you with new activities regarding the grammar and vocabulary content with have learnt so far. We would love to see you try in the comments down below! Suerte!


Today we bring you the positive imperatives and it’s usage next to pronouns in Spanish. Did you know this? Do you have more examples? Let us know in the comments down below!


Hello everyone! Today we bring you the “imperativo afirmativo” which is used to give orders, suggestions and instructions. It has only 4 forms since first person would never be used. Therefore follow these patterns and you’ll be good to go! Just pay attention to irregular verbs that may change though!
Did you know this? Give us in the comments down below an example of how you’d use it!


Hello everybody! Today we bring you the first part of the grammar section related to health.
Today we’ll talk about expressing pain, using expressions such as: “tengo dolor de…” o “me duele la/el (etc.)”…
Did you know these expressions? Do you know other ones?


Hello everybody! Today, for the second and last activity of the city, we have a little exercise for you to practice the grammar and vocabulary learnt so far!
Try helping this person get to the post office from the restaurant. Remember that you can use verbs like “tomar” (“to take”) or “girar” (“to turn”), plus many more to do so. Let us know in the comments below, how did you do it. What would you say? Is there other verbs you can think of?