Today we bring you the first post of vocabulary regarding emotions. We can express emotions with adjectives, nouns and verbs. This time we’ll have a look as how we can express them verbs.
Did you know these words? Do you know more? Let us know in the comments down below!


Today we bring you the last section of vocabulary: the web and media
Did you know these words? Do you know more? Let us know in the comments down below!


Hello students! Today we bring you some new vocabulary. This time, how to express different TV genres/ TV programmes.
Did you know these words? Do you know some more? Let us know in the comments down below!


Hello, everybody! Today we present you some new vocabulary regarding TV, films and literature! In this case, how to express genres of not only films but other ways of entertainment like book genres.
Did you know these words? Do you know other genres? Let us know in the comments down below!


Today, we provide you with new activities regarding the grammar and vocabulary we have learnt so far. We would love to see you try in the comments down below! Suerte!


Today, we provide you with new activities regarding the grammar and vocabulary content with have learnt so far. We would love to see you try in the comments down below! Suerte!


Hello everybody! Today we bring you the last set of vocabulary regarding the human body!

This time we’ll see a couple words that you can use while you’re at the hospital.

Did you know them? Do you know more? Let us know in the comments down below!


Here we bring you a few ways you could express that you’re sick or that somebody else is. Bear in mind that we haven’t put all persons, so please do the respective changes to the other ones.
Did you know all these expressions? Do you know more? Please let us know in the comments below!


Today we will learn a few body parts in Spanish! Mind that all these nouns are in singular form, so, except for “nariz” which would be “narices”, you can just add an “-s” at the end of these nouns and they would be plural!
Did you know these words? Do you know more? Comment then down below!


Hello everybody! Today, for the second and last activity of the city, we have a little exercise for you to practice the grammar and vocabulary learnt so far!
Try helping this person get to the post office from the restaurant. Remember that you can use verbs like “tomar” (“to take”) or “girar” (“to turn”), plus many more to do so. Let us know in the comments below, how did you do it. What would you say? Is there other verbs you can think of?