?Did you know??

Today we bring you the integration part where you can combine the knowledge learnt in the past weeks. In this exercise, you have to choose between the two options below and replace them into their respective number. Once you’re done, you can check the answer by swiping left!
Did you know these “cuantificadores”? Let us know in the comments below!


When we give directions in Spanish usually we use the verb “tomar” which means to take, along with these phrases.
So next time somebody ask you for directions or you’re lost, you can use these phrases!
Did you know them? Comment down below if you know other ways you could give directions or ask for them!



Today, we bring you the second part of places of the city. This time locations/shops that have the suffix “-ería”, that when added to a noun (generally) will indicate the shop where you can find what you’re trying to buy!
Did you know these words? Do you know some more? Let us know in the comments below!


Today we bring you vocabulary of places commonly found in every city, so you can say them in Spanish as well!
Did you know these words? Do you know synonyms or new ones? Let us know in the comments down below!
Integration Grammar and Vocabulary activities: restaurant II / Gramática y Vocabulario
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Today, we bring you yet another activity so you can practice your Spanish! Try your best arranging this conversation between a waiter and a customer in the right order, and let us know in the comments what new word did you learn!


Today, we bring you something a little bit different! How about doing a little activity about the grammar and vocabulary we’ve learnt in the past weeks?
Try your best to fill up the gaps, and let us know what new word did you learn today in the comments below!


Here’s the third part of the restaurant vocabulary, today we’re learning some vegetables and fruit vocabulary! Let us know in the comment below how many did you know, and any extra ones that you may also know!



Here’s the second part of the restaurant vocabulary, today we’re learning some meat and seafood vocabulary! Let us know in the comment below how many did you know, and any extra ones that you may also know!



This is our first vocabulary post about restaurant/house objects! Let us know in the comments how many did you know from this list! Don’t hesitate on sharing new vocabulary regarding this topic, as well!
