Well done. You are about to finish your second Spanish book!
Less prompt is now required as you navigate your way around the Spanish language, covering a variety of complex topics and situations.
During these Spanish lessons you will learn:
- to deepen your understanding of the combined use of all past tenses
- to narrate the plot of a movie
- to describe an incident or accident in the past
- to learn how to manage a visit to the doctor and express ailment
- to order, advise or make suggestions.
This Spanish course is completed over 10 weeks and consists of 15 hours of Spanish studies.
Missed a lesson? No worries! After each class, the teacher will send a detailed email to the whole group, summarizing the lesson and sharing links and resources.
**If you still want to have a catch up class, consult our specific section. Thanks
COVID-19 If at any time the government regulations change and we are not allowed to continue our classes in person, the course will continue online, without meaning any change in the conditions of the classes or the payment. Thanks for your understanding
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